Quelques liens utiles
Union Professionnelle des Ostéopathes de Belgique : www.osteopathie.be
European Federation of Osteopathy : www.efo.eu
World Osteopathic Health Organization : www.woho.org
Osteopathic International Alliance :www.oialliance.org
American Academy of Osteopathy : www.academyofosteopathy.org
The Osteopathic Cranial Academy : www.cranialacademy.org
The Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation : www.sctf.com
The Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation-Belgium : www.sctf-belgium.be
The Sutherland Cranial Academy of Belgium : www.scab-belgium.be
Sutherland Cranial College : www.scco.ac
Osteopathy at European School of Osteopathy : www.eso.ac.uk
Formation Ostéopathie Belgique : www.c-b-o.org
The International Academy of Osteopathy : www.osteopathie.eu